Label: "analyst"

MNB: nem csak a lakosságnak lehet probléma a változó kamatozás
October 05, 2023 06:30

Hungarian central bank could pump the brakes of rate cuts in October

Nasty surprise could be lurking in relation to EU funds

Mol Dunai Finomító Dufi mol-logó
September 27, 2023 08:49

ANALYST VIEW - Erste downgrades Hungary's Mol

Cuts target price too

Mi lesz a forinttal az MNB nagy döntése után?
September 25, 2023 11:00

It took almost a year, but "order" can finally be restored in Hungary

Monetary Council to take crucial decision

budapest vihar
September 21, 2023 08:20

How close was Hungary to sovereign default last year?

Evaluation is easier a year later

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
September 11, 2023 09:15

Is this already a revolution of employees? People are working less and less

The number of hours worked is decreasing

Csak úgy röpködnek a hozamok, lesz mire pezsgőt bontani az év végén?
September 07, 2023 10:30

Pressure on Hungarian consumers eases further, but it's too soon to paint the town red

Inflation expected to show further retreat

September 05, 2023 16:35

Edison publishes new analysis on Hungary's 4iG

After first-half earnings report

mnb jegybank
August 28, 2023 09:40

Hungary cenbank still has some time to think, but a fork in the road is very close

Monetary Council to discuss rates on Tuesday

150 ezer forint állami ingyenpénz, amiről sokan még csak nem is hallottunk
August 22, 2023 09:05

Hungarian gov't yet to diffuse ticking budget bomb, while it's running out of time

There may be a solution but it needs a nod

budapest magyarország magyar gazdaság
August 21, 2023 14:30

Investors see more and more legislative risks in Hungary, but environment remains attractive

The Economist Intelligence Unit sees rising number of risks in Hungary

August 17, 2023 15:00

Let's see how Hungary might avoid recession in 2023

Herculean efforts needed

árfigyelő gvh nyitóoldal forrás Portfolio
August 09, 2023 10:50

Analyst: the official retail Price Monitor bears no relation to inflation data

Economists reacted to yesterday's inflation figures

Nagy meglepetés az inflációban: óriási fordulat a hazai áremelkedésben!
August 08, 2023 10:17

Some great news on Hungarian inflation, we may start to breathe a sigh of relief

It is increasingly certain that annual inflation will fall below 10% by late autumn

richter debrecen biotechnologia
August 03, 2023 15:18

Hungary Richter to publish quarterly earnings report - What to expect?

Q2 report due on Friday

euró kassza pénz bevétel
July 03, 2023 13:20

Greedflation is real! But how concerned should we be about it?

Analysts of large global banks answer

parlament országház budapest szobor getty stock
June 30, 2023 10:14

ING Bank analysts publish their forecasts for the Hungarian economy for the second half of 2023

They consider a slight optimism justified, although attention should be paid to landmines in the budget

June 09, 2023 11:30

Hungarian gov't takes unexpected step amidst fight against inflation

How much will excise tax hike on fuel will fuel inflation?

varga mihály költségvetés
June 09, 2023 08:50

Hungary posts small budget deficit in May, big picture remains bleak

May balance best in 7 years

mesterséges intelligencia ai chatgpt
May 18, 2023 12:02

Goldman Sachs says A.I. could bring serious corporate profit boost in next decade

S&P 500 profits to be raised 30%