Label: "analyst"

Kezdjük elhinni, hogy tényleg düböröghet a magyar gazdaság
February 02, 2023 13:13

Two countries will not avoid recession this year in CESEE: Hungary and Russia

Even the Ukrainian economy will grow - wiiw says

mnb jegybank magyar nemzeti bank
January 23, 2023 08:45

Hungary central bank to hold policy meeting, investors hang on every word

First rate decision of the year coming up

4ig iroda
January 09, 2023 16:45

ANALYST VIEW - Vodafone Hungary acqusition finalised

Estimates are yet to be adjusted

nó kirakat vásárlás bolt getty stock
January 06, 2023 11:50

INSTANT VIEW - Analysts address Hungary's abysmal retail trade data

They expect nothing good

penz inflacio
December 12, 2022 10:45

Mastercard economist says it may take years, but the old world will return

David Mann says cenbanks should pay attention

salzburg tél hideg hó
November 22, 2022 11:54

It's time to chill out: Europe will not plunge into a crippling crisis

Even if there is a recession, it will be mild and brief

November 15, 2022 08:35

ANALYST VIEW - HSBC raises target price for Hungary's OTP

It even had the highest TP out there

November 14, 2022 12:49

We're about to find out if Hungary has slipped into a recession or not

When will the energy crisis go boom?

recesszió recesszio
November 14, 2022 08:46

U.S. could avoid a recession in 2023, but Europe may not be so lucky

Morgan Stanley releases updated prognoses

forint készpénz bankjegy
October 18, 2022 14:54

ANALYST VIEW - HUF firming to fizzle out, 440 versus euro could be closer than we think - SocGen

SocGen remains bearish on Hungarian currency

Meddig gyengül a forint? - Videó technikai elemzés
October 13, 2022 12:15

It would take an extreme rate hike to stymie Hungarian forint sell-off - analysts

JP Morgan argues base rate should be upped at least to 16-17% from current 13%

bolt szamla inflacio draga
October 10, 2022 09:10

20% inflation in Hungary - It's a question of when, not if

September CPI print to be released on Tuesday morning

elorejelzes grafikon
September 21, 2022 13:21

Major slowdown, high inflation to befall Hungary in 2023 - think tank

Equilibrium Institute does not expect a deep recession, though

hó hideg tél
September 16, 2022 13:23

Analysts estimate how much the winter energy crisis will hurt Hungary and Europe

There's no scenario where we don't plunge into a recession

vihar, tornádó, klímaváltozás
September 16, 2022 08:59

World Bank says even a moderate negative shock could cause global recession

IMF, Fitch Ratings also have a gloomy outlook

bolt szamla inflacio draga
September 07, 2022 09:11

Hungary en route to highest inflation since the 1990s

Market sees CPI north of 15%

gáz tűz
August 10, 2022 15:40

This is what rising utility bills will do to Hungary's inflation

They will give it a boost, and quite a big one too

sokk truma háború járvány
August 09, 2022 17:14

ANALYST VIEW - Inflation could reach 20% in Hungary

Before the end of the year if...