Morgan Stanley looks at possible new tools.
After robust Q3 figures.
Supported by inflation data.
At least this is what the official figures suggest.
If you missed this boat, you missed this boat.
Performance in quarterly terms not so stellar, though.
On the back of weaker consumption.
That's the million dollar question!
New unconventional tools the MNB may choose from.
MNB wants flatter yield curve. Some analyst project HUF firming.
Some expect non-event, some believe 'Team Matolcsy' might have other surprise up its sleeve.
Analysts keep pondering about next steps.
Analysts comment the latest consumer price changes.
Analysts do not project sharp acceleration for September, either.
Public debt reduction might flop, which limits fiscal flexibility.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch trip note on Hungary's monetary policy, forint.
Upward revisions all over the place. Except for Hungary, Slovakia.
As analysts see it.
Along with Russia, Bulgaria and others.
Lending growth envisaged.