GDP data on the corner, with very few upbeat expectations on the market
Forecasts by wiiw paint much gloomier picture than gov't estimates
Analysts give pointers before Tuesday rate meeting
Article by a professor of Corvinus University of Budapest
Consumer price index will be higher from now on
Response to Dániel Oláh's article
Analysts don't believe yr/yr index will rose to over 5% this year
Share downgraded, though
Here goes nothing
Expiring mandates make future policy stance uncertain
Policy meeting coming up on Thursday
Tamás Pletser speaks about the reasons for Mol downgrade
Poland's mBnk updates target price for oil share
It all hinges on the extent of wage increases
Analysts assess July CPI data and its possible consequences
Modest revenue and profit growth continued, analysts say
Prolonged trough could be ahead, hitting the forint hard
Major cut by two analysts
First reactions not exactly positive
Second-quarter GDP data to be released on Tuesday