Label: "analyst"

Ételt árusító stand a Várkert Bazár húsvéti rendezvényén Budapesten.
October 07, 2019 06:30

What price boom? Consumer prices hardly rise in Hungary

But there will be a few rough months

A Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) épülete
September 25, 2019 08:50

Analysts: Hungary's central bank cannot be bothered by weak HUF

Loose stance remains

Negative trends in Hungarian forint euro exchange rate
September 24, 2019 10:09

This is behind the sudden slide of the PLN, HUF

Eurozone in trouble, and so is CEE

September 23, 2019 10:00

Has Hungary's central bank got spooked by weak HUF or emboldened by global peers?

Lots of factors to consider, loads of questions to be answered

September 20, 2019 12:42

ANALYST VIEW - Jefferies sharply raises target price for Hungary's Richter

Rating upgraded to 'Buy' from 'Underperform'

cfo konfi_stiller ákos
September 12, 2019 15:35

“It will be more than just a bump” says Commerzbank analyst

World economy is in for a bumpy ride.

September 12, 2019 11:20

Small Hungarian firm earns surprisingly detailed analysis

Dream big, why not?

September 12, 2019 05:50

Hungary forint keeps falling like a stone - Should the MNB start to worry?

Central bank could be in trouble if it wants to further ease monetary conditions.

September 09, 2019 17:00

Hungarian fund managers like these stocks the most

Outlook on the Budapest Stock Exchange and new top picks.

Artificial intelligence to impact almost one million jobs in Hungary
September 05, 2019 15:21

Artificial intelligence to impact almost one million jobs in Hungary

Radical changes await us in the next 15 years.

August 15, 2019 11:52

ANALYST VIEW - Two rating agencies to review Hungary's debt ratings on Friday

ING says there's only a theoretical chance of a change, though.

August 14, 2019 17:03

INSTANT VIEW - Analysts address Hungary's upside GDP surprise

Optimism all over the place.

August 13, 2019 10:24

The only way forward for Hungary is down? Economy reaches turning point

No plummet should be expected, though.

August 12, 2019 16:46

ANALYST VIEW - German problems seen cracking CE3 resilience

Growth data to be affected by German woes, says J.P. Morgan.

July 31, 2019 10:36

Landslide in healthcare might patch up rift on Hungary's insurance market

Fitch Solutions publishes report, including 5-yr forecasts.

July 22, 2019 11:57

Hungary central bank gamble seems to have paid off - POLL

No rate hike is expected at the Monetary Council's Tuesday session.

July 08, 2019 10:46

Consumer price increase to slowly abate in Hungary

Price index could drop while inflation has not subsided.

July 05, 2019 12:13

ANALYST VIEW - Hungarian economy on a roll, but for how long?

H2 could bring about changes.