Label: "agriculture"

June 16, 2023 14:15

One of Hungary's biggest agricultural companies expands in Romania

UBM acquires 104,000 square metres of land in Budești

June 06, 2023 17:40

EU extends import ban on Ukrainian crops

Original restrictions expired on Monday

May 26, 2023 09:32

Mol acquires the Szarvas Biogas Plant

They are awaiting approval from the Competition Authority

May 25, 2023 09:12

Hungarian student workers' salaries to get a big boost this year

Wage hikes and personal income tax exemption both play a role - although even these can't make up for inflation

brüsszel ukrán gabona tüntető gazdák
May 24, 2023 13:25

Payment of EU grain subsidies delayed by Hungary

While farmers are protesting in Brussels

Kínai buzamező öntözés
May 16, 2023 14:33

Hungary competition watchdog proposes tools to combat inflation

Wants to reform agriculture

Ukrajna Gabona Haboru Export Importtilalom
May 08, 2023 09:50

Hungary agri minister makes new announcement on Ukrainian grain

Touches upon future of Hungarian agriculture

kukorica napraforgó
May 05, 2023 09:22

Russian agri-food import ban affects Hungary too

Import of maize and sunflower seeds restricted

May 04, 2023 08:55

Hungarian farmers to receive EUR 16 million from EU over Ukraine agri-food imports

Member States to vote on proposal, import ban expected to remain beyond 5 June

magyar gázvezeték földgáz rezsi
May 03, 2023 09:07

Spiking energy costs of Hungarian firms to trigger price hikes, but no layoffs

High energy bills to be passed on to consumer prices - survey

fű szárazság aszály vízhiány getty stock
April 21, 2023 08:23

Soil drought hits a quarter of Europe in early April

According to the European Drought Observatory

ukrán gabona
April 19, 2023 08:45

Poland reaches agreement on Ukrainian grain imports

Meanwhile, the Hungarian government issued a decree on the matter too

ukrán gabona
April 17, 2023 08:48

European Commission condemns ban on Ukrainian agricultural products

Polish and Hungarian unilateral decisions deemed unacceptable

parlament magyarország budapest
April 05, 2023 10:07

Bankruptcies nearly double in Hungary, with construction sector most at risk

Agriculture is stable, though

rovar rovarfehérje
March 24, 2023 10:19

New world comes to Hungary: "Attention! Food contains insect protein!"

Stricter regulations have been introduced, although there is truly something to discover for the intrepid gourmet

March 22, 2023 10:09

Hungarian gov't quadruples the amount of the Agricultural Damage Compensation Fund

More than 22,000 farmers will receive more than HUF 50 billion - at the cost of several other budget items, however

agrárminiszter nagy istván
March 21, 2023 08:15

No EU aid for Hungary to alleviate disturbances in the cereals market, gov't in protest

Ukrainian grain never makes it to Africa and the Middle East, floods neighbouring markets

tej tejtermék vásárol bolt élelmiszerüzlet
January 18, 2023 16:40

New proposal: Hungarian food prices close to European level, price cap should be lifted!

National Chamber of Agriculture speaks up

January 05, 2023 11:12

First vaccine for honeybees approved by the US government

Save the bees to save ourselves

mezőgazdaság agrár föld
December 29, 2022 08:22

Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture extends the interest subsidy programme

Because of this year's historic drought situation