Label: "agriculture"

rovar rovarfehérje
March 24, 2023 10:19

New world comes to Hungary: "Attention! Food contains insect protein!"

Stricter regulations have been introduced, although there is truly something to discover for the intrepid gourmet

March 22, 2023 10:09

Hungarian gov't quadruples the amount of the Agricultural Damage Compensation Fund

More than 22,000 farmers will receive more than HUF 50 billion - at the cost of several other budget items, however

agrárminiszter nagy istván
March 21, 2023 08:15

No EU aid for Hungary to alleviate disturbances in the cereals market, gov't in protest

Ukrainian grain never makes it to Africa and the Middle East, floods neighbouring markets

tej tejtermék vásárol bolt élelmiszerüzlet
January 18, 2023 16:40

New proposal: Hungarian food prices close to European level, price cap should be lifted!

National Chamber of Agriculture speaks up

January 05, 2023 11:12

First vaccine for honeybees approved by the US government

Save the bees to save ourselves

mezőgazdaság agrár föld
December 29, 2022 08:22

Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture extends the interest subsidy programme

Because of this year's historic drought situation

mezőgazdaság traktor
December 15, 2022 08:55

Think tank projects further rise in food inflation in Hungary

Fertiliser prices are key

aratás, búza,gabona
December 07, 2022 15:57

France and Germany secretly lobby for easing sanctions on Russia

Significant concessions would be made to Russian food exports by Europe's major powers

olajfinomito magyar
December 01, 2022 09:00

Fresh data show how the Hungarian economy shifted gears into a downturn

Country on the brink of a recession

Meglepő eredményre jutottak a kutatók: napi egy tojás menthet meg a szívrohamtól
November 11, 2022 15:20

Eggs could be in short supply, says Hungarian Egg Association

Even in the medium term

mutragya mezogazdasag gazar
November 07, 2022 15:55

Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027: Hungary's €8.4 billion strategic plan approved

EUR 10 billion envelop opens up

mezőgazdaság aszály szárazság
October 17, 2022 09:25

Hungarian growth also hit by extreme drought

GDP increase visibly lower as a result

Aszállyal sújtott kukorica Orosháza közelében
July 11, 2022 13:00

Catastrophic crops - Hungary loses 400 billion forints worth of harvest in a couple of weeks

Drought causes immense damages and it's far from being over

kukorica MTI
April 08, 2022 13:55

Russia-Ukraine war leads to booming food prices

FAO Food Price Index rises to all-time high

ipar termelés vírus koronavírus factory worker
December 01, 2021 09:27

Hungary Q3 GDP up 6.1% y/y as industry, agriculture lag behind in recovery

Detailed data show industry, agriculture to blame for slower growth

erdő erdőírtás favágás klímaváltozás globális felmelegedés
November 17, 2021 09:27

EU to ban import of products tied to deforestation

Rubber not included

October 15, 2021 09:08

Fuel price boom to bring major food price hike in Hungary

Raw material prices rise up to 60%

December 16, 2020 14:42

EP approves EUR 8 bn CAP transition package

Farm subsidies to continue without delay

Robert Bosch GmbH manufacturing plant in Hatvan
November 28, 2019 09:58

Hungary Q3 investments driven by private sector

Driven by private sector as public investments stagnate

meguszhatja magyarorszag az agrarugyi eu-forrasok drasztikus vagasat feldman zsolt agrarminiszterium
October 15, 2019 10:29

Hungary could lose less in EU agricultural funding

Agriculture ministers of 20 member states push to restore CAP