Similarly to the earlier case with Spain's railcar manufacturer Talgo
France's Veolia buys out Germany's Uniper
They purchased a 31% block of shares
Romania's TeraPlast acquires plant in Zsámbék
The company has acquired 100% of Milan Král Group, a Czech market player, in one go
The energy firm expands in the Endrőd area
Hungarian group acquires stake in leading Romanian energy supplier
Memorandum of Understanding signed
Romanian PM to investigate the risks of the deal due to Hungary's ties with Russia
Nearly two-thirds ownership grows further
After Madrid turns down offer over national security risks
Due to national security concerns.
It has the means for sure
Especially in countries where they are already present
To DRFG Investment Group
Exit done
A regional service provider
The group has grown organically and through acquisitions
Here's an itemised list
Negotiations are reportedly underway