Label: "MNB"

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
February 23, 2021 15:10

Hungary central bank continues to keep a close eye on inflation

Official statement says after on-hold rate decision

February 23, 2021 14:01

Hungary central bank leaves rates on hold, as expected

Awaiting official statement

mnb epulet
February 22, 2021 09:16

Growing inflation fears may prompt central bank move

MNB to hold policy meeting this week

MNB épület getty
February 22, 2021 08:58

Hungary to have last calm meeting before inflation possibly upends everything

MNB could be forced to make a move already in 2021

February 17, 2021 09:10

Hungary public debt jumps to 7-year high

As government opens purse strings wide in coronavirus pandemic

February 08, 2021 09:00

This week we’ll find out if prices skyrocketed in Hungary

Hungary to release inflation data on Friday

February 01, 2021 09:50

We'll soon have the full picture of how Hungary fared in 2020

Key releases in the pipeline this week too

mnb epulet
January 26, 2021 16:07

Hungary central bank wary of inflation, ready to deploy every tool at its disposal

There was one move up its sleeve

January 26, 2021 14:00

Hungary cenbank keeps rates on hold

Remains cautious

mnb epulet
January 22, 2021 14:30

Inflation could spook Hungary cenbank, induce cautious stance

Policy meeting coming up on Tuesday

January 11, 2021 15:30

Hungary cenbank chief says we need to plan ahead right up to 2030

Reforms cannot wait, for it takes time for them to bear fruit

idős nő befektetés részvény getty stock
January 08, 2021 09:24

Hungarian households buy HUF 200 bn in gov’t securities in November

Shares unloaded just before rally

December 28, 2020 10:15

Hungary central bank chief projects fastest recovery in 100 years

Calls for investments, lending to support the economy

December 22, 2020 09:01

Hungary cenbank finds low cyclical systemic risks despite adverse effects of pandemic

Countercyclical capital buffer rate remains 0%

karácsony budapest
December 21, 2020 08:50

Christmas cuts this week short

Not the most eventful week of the year for sure

MNB épület getty
December 17, 2020 11:06

Hungary central bank projects up to 6% GDP growth next year

Inflation could spike in Q2 2021, inflation report warns

matolcsy gyorgy 200407
December 16, 2020 10:38

INSTANT VIEW - Hungary cenbank remains cautious

Analysts see HUF correction