Label: "MNB"

June 19, 2023 09:03

Rate decisions to rule the week again

And not only in Hungary

bankkártya fizetés laptop kártya
June 15, 2023 16:09

Hungarian payment practices on 10 graphs

Electronic payments continue to grow, cenbank data show

Titkok és tévhitek a készpénzről - Íme az igazság egyenesen az MNB-től
June 14, 2023 16:40

Amount of currency in circulation hits 15-month low in Hungary

Central bank data show

Megállította a forintesést egy fontos szint
June 13, 2023 09:46

Markets do not fancy Hungarian minister's proposal to tweak inflation target

An irresponsible proposal when inflation is still so high

infláció bolt beváráslás fogyasztás kisker
June 08, 2023 10:44

Hungary cenbank inflation measures also show substantial easing

Underlying inflation retreats too

költségvetés kockázatok akna
May 30, 2023 15:00

Hungarian government is building a castle on a swamp - blindly

FinMin submits 2024 budget bill to Parliament

May 26, 2023 16:13

Hungary cenbank amends required reserve system

MNB carries out technical modifications

matolcsy györgy parlament
May 23, 2023 15:40

Hungary chief urges earliest abolition of price caps

György Matolcsy holds press conference

Névtelen feljelentők segítségét várja az MNB
May 23, 2023 15:00

Hungary central bank cuts benchmark rate 100 basis points

Rate reductions afoot

May 23, 2023 14:00

Hungary cenbank holds policy meeting, key decision a bit further out

Official statement to be released at 3 pm

forint mnb bankjegy
May 22, 2023 14:58

Hungary cenbank can really start cutting rates now, provided that HUF easing does not scare it

Monetary Council holds rate-setting meeting on Tuesday

hatarido adozas naptár
May 22, 2023 08:43

Hungarian general government balance and a central bank policy meeting on this week's menu

Major PMIs will also arrive from abroad, along with German and US GDPs

matolcsy györgy varha mihály mnb pm
May 19, 2023 11:38

Hungary cenbank chief meets FinMin again, sending message to markets

May meeting follows talk in April

May 17, 2023 08:25

Here's the guy that gives the most accurate forecasts in Hungary

The analyst is a regular contributor to Portfolio's opinion column

európai unió, európai bizottság, eu, brüsszel
May 15, 2023 09:40

Hungarian and EU GDP data to arrive at the same time this week

EU, USA and China industrial production, and EU consumer price index also on the calendar

vásárlás bolt kiskereskedelem infláció
May 10, 2023 10:50

Hungary cenbank inflation indicators also bode well

Is this the first significant drop?

May 10, 2023 08:30

Hungary inflation takes a step back in April

Data as expected

virág barnabás mnb bef
May 09, 2023 16:30

Hungary central banker talks about rate cut requirements

Waiting for lasting improvement in country's risk perception