Label: "KSH"

August 03, 2023 09:36

Disappointing data brought to light in Hungary

R&D expenditure declines as a percentage of GDP

Aki rabszolgabéren tudja dolgoztatni csak az embereket, az hagyja abba, amit csinál
July 28, 2023 12:18

Employment and unemployment both up year-on-year in Hungary

The figures for the first half of this year are in

Havi 40 ezer forint a kétgyermekes családoknak
July 28, 2023 09:10

Hungarian population decreases rapidly

But the number of deaths has also fallen

July 25, 2023 13:00

Hungarian employees' financial woes ease, but no real recovery yet

Real wage trends still negative

thermostat radiátor rezsi fűtés
July 19, 2023 09:38

Gas consumption seriously down in Hungary, many people cut back

Consumption fell by almost 1 billion cubic metres in the first half of the year

munkanélküliség, létszámleépítés, elbocsátás
July 17, 2023 09:25

Serious unemployment threatens some Hungarian counties again

Rates as high as 8 to 9%

Sosem volt ilyen gyenge a forint árfolyama - Rengeteg magyar a zsebén érezheti
July 06, 2023 09:20

Hungarians have been avoiding the shops lately - worrying figures from the retail sector

Turnover down again on a monthly basis in May

budapest lakások rakpart
July 05, 2023 17:03

Hungarian house prices are not falling as many expected

Statistical office publishes surprising figures

varga mihály költségvetés
July 04, 2023 10:51

Hungary's budget really is in big trouble - Q1 gap largest since 2006

2023 kicks off with mammoth shortfall

July 03, 2023 08:22

This week may tell us when inflation will finally fall below 20%

We will not get bored

export trade
June 08, 2023 09:15

Hungary's external balance improves fast, but there is one big problem

Imports are not very buoyant

hatarido adozas naptár
May 22, 2023 08:43

Hungarian general government balance and a central bank policy meeting on this week's menu

Major PMIs will also arrive from abroad, along with German and US GDPs

európai unió, európai bizottság, eu, brüsszel
May 15, 2023 09:40

Hungarian and EU GDP data to arrive at the same time this week

EU, USA and China industrial production, and EU consumer price index also on the calendar

May 12, 2023 10:30

Strange changes in Hungary's industry

Export booms, production shrinks

kamionok az autópályán
May 09, 2023 10:00

Hungarian exports boom, huge surplus in foreign trade

Something not seen for more than two years

bolt, kiskereskedelem, infláció, bevárlás, akció, élelmiszerinfláció
May 05, 2023 09:07

Retail sales may have hit rock bottom in Hungary, but hopes still too early

There is a sllight turnaround, but it is driven only by fuel sales