Label: "HUNGARY"

January 16, 2023 11:20

Hungarian population goes on a currency binge, unseen in seven years

Growth of HUF cash holdings comes to a halt, recent data show

pedagogustuntetes sztrajk
January 13, 2023 09:06

Hungary Interior Ministry amends regulation tailored to teachers' civil disobedience

They can be sacked no on a moment's notice

budapest magyarország
January 12, 2023 10:28

Hungary offers the poorest prospects for workers, recent survey shows

If true, unemployment will rise

Európai Unió zaszlo
January 12, 2023 09:26

Eurobarometer: 96% of Hungarians worried about the cost of living

The proportion is similarly high at European level

pdsz oktatás szakszervezet
January 09, 2023 08:35

Hungarian teachers brace for week-long strike

From 23 January

parlament országház budapest getty stock
January 05, 2023 10:01

Massive Hungarian dollar bond issuance leads to threefold demand

The final details have arrived

gyerek labdákkal
January 03, 2023 12:14

What does the Hungarian government's family support system look like in 2023?

Two main components abolished, but good timing may yield great results

January 03, 2023 09:59

Hungarian government sector runs a large deficit

The latest data are available

January 03, 2023 09:16

Protesting Hungarian teachers march 180 kilometres

From Budapest to Miskolc, both being locations of teacher dismissals from above

munka worker dolgozó hegesz fizetés bérek
January 03, 2023 09:03

Hungary could see a fall in living standards not seen for decades this year

Substantial differences between the real wage forecasts of the government and the central bank

nyugdíjas élelmiszer infláció
January 03, 2023 08:27

Hungarian gov't reacts to the idea of raising the retirement age

No increase after all it seems

January 02, 2023 12:59

2023 brings another fuel price increase for Hungary

Bad news for car owners yet again

January 02, 2023 12:05

Hungary's tax allowance for the permanently ill and disabled increases in 2023

A glimmer of hope as 2023 marches in

January 02, 2023 09:57

Hungarian post reopens in 32 municipalities

In total, 45 post offices are affected by the decision

January 02, 2023 09:53

Hungary motorway stickers increase in price, some by more than 70% in 2023

Here are the new tariffs

szmog város
January 02, 2023 09:11

Good news on Hungary's air quality at the end of 2022

Number of municipalities with unhealthy or hazardous air decreases

2023 adóváltozások
January 02, 2023 09:02

Taxation in Hungary sees unprecedented developments in the new year

This is how we tax, or try to tax, in 2023

dunaferr dunaújváros vasmű
December 29, 2022 13:50

Sharp u-turn in the Dunaferr case, stabilization in the short term

In just a few weeks