Label: "HUNGARY"

újszülött kisbaba kóráhz
October 27, 2023 09:15

Domestic birth rate looks worse and worse with the September data

Excluding the Covid effect, recent data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) show a new low

allampapirpiaci kilatasok panelbeszelgetes Budapest Economic Forum
October 18, 2023 09:54

ÁKK chief: gov't should do everything in its power to keep country in investment grade

Summary of the Budapest Economic Conference 2023 roundtable discussion

October 17, 2023 09:48

Polish PKO Bank to open a representative office in Hungary

They will open a branch in Romania as well

acélipar munkás
August 15, 2023 08:46

About a quarter of workers undeclared in Hungary

This is the most favourable figure in years

August 09, 2023 10:17

Katalin Novák signs the acceptance letter of the new Ukrainian Ambassador to Budapest

"Professor from the trench" Shandor Fedir has been waiting for this since March

Nagy meglepetés az inflációban: óriási fordulat a hazai áremelkedésben!
August 08, 2023 10:17

Some great news on Hungarian inflation, we may start to breathe a sigh of relief

It is increasingly certain that annual inflation will fall below 10% by late autumn

August 07, 2023 12:27

No end in sight, Wednesday will see another rise in fuel prices

Diesel prices go up again

Eltüntetné az eldobható műanyagokat a boltokból az EU
August 07, 2023 08:38

Plastic waste floods the world, but Hungary is among those saving the day

At least according to a new report

July 26, 2023 11:38

China could weaponise battery production, Hungary in a special situation

More and more countries respond to the threat

July 25, 2023 08:42

Hungarian ambassador in Slovakia summoned over Viktor Orbán's statement

A phrase in the Tusványos speech caused a complication

Ha valami, akkor ez a befektetés felveheti a versenyt az állampapírokkal
July 10, 2023 09:15

Standard & Poor's maintains BBB- rating for Hungary

No surprises from the rating agency

biden kristersson
July 06, 2023 08:52

Biden sends clear message to Turkey and Hungary

On Sweden's accession to NATO

euró euróövezet ekb
July 04, 2023 09:00

Majority of Hungarians would adopt the euro

Support is growing

D_LEH20230212009 (1)
June 27, 2023 10:02

Drilling of the third well already commenced in the Békés county gas field

The drilling of the second well was completed last week

orosz útlevél
June 20, 2023 09:02

Russians are being offered settlement in Hungary as if it were a state programme

Lots of ads have appeared in recent weeks, but no crowds yet

Tíz úttörő kutatás indul Magyarországon, bejelentették az ötmilliárd forint nyerteseit
June 19, 2023 10:07

Hungarian academia is seriously lagging behind

Hungary's scientific progress is slower not only compared to the EU, but also to the CEE and Baltic regions

Csak semmi pánik! Nem lesz 350 milliárdos megszorítás Magyarországon
June 16, 2023 08:45

EP calls on Hungary and Poland to rein in spyware use and restore judicial independence

New EU Tech Lab could be set up to crack down on illegal spyware

kosar inflacio zoldseg
June 05, 2023 08:37

Will the brutal price rises finally start to moderate? We may find out this week

May inflation data due this week

europai tanacs unios koltsegvetes 20200220
May 30, 2023 09:16

Brussels may actually prevent Hungary from its forthcoming European Council presidency

EU affairs' ministers deem the rule of law and anti-EU policy concerns too serious to overlook

May 30, 2023 08:39

Hungarian child healthcare among the worst in the EU

Bottom-level performances in child healthcare and dentistry