Label: "GDP"

magyar falu
September 07, 2020 13:30

Coronavirus crisis: Higher growth forecasts for CEE, Hungary's recession seen deeper

Outlook on Hungary becoming ever gloomier

September 01, 2020 09:00

Let's see why the Hungarian economy slumped so deep into recession!

Coronavirus impacted nearly everything

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
August 25, 2020 15:55

Hungarian central bank seen cutting 2020 growth forecast to recession

Monetary Council statement suggests flirtation with reality

August 19, 2020 09:29

Public debt jumps in Hungary but dramatic surge may be avoided

Let's see a few possible scenarios

worker dolgozó ipar gyári munkás
August 14, 2020 15:57

INSTANT VIEW – Analysts caught out by weak Q2 GDP

Annual forecasts downgraded

factory worket dolgozó ipar gyár
August 13, 2020 09:29

Hungary's economic growth contracted more than during 2008-2009 crisis

Recovery will be faster, though, analysts say

budapest lakások
August 12, 2020 10:35

Coronavirus crisis hits only Slovakia harder than Hungary in CEE

Erste publishes estimates ahead of Q2 data releases

July 31, 2020 16:00

Coronavirus does weigh down on Hungary's retail trade after all

Dim figures for early July

July 27, 2020 08:25

Let's see how deep the trench is where the global economy fell into

Fed policy meeting up ahead

Varga mihaly Kossuth Radio interju200723
July 23, 2020 13:04

Hungary FinMin projects deeper recession for 2020 than before

GDP seen contracting 5%, budget gap over 4.0% of GDP

varga mihaly heti gazdasagi index penzugyminiszterium200713
July 13, 2020 14:25

Hungary recovering nicely from 10% recession, Finance Minister says

FinMin’s in-house GDP indicator indicates major Q2 downturn

worker dolgozó ipar gyári munkás
July 09, 2020 15:58

Kopint-Tárki: Hungarian economy to contract by 5% this year

Estimates get an update

factory worket ipar dolgozó gyári munkás
July 01, 2020 11:40

ANALYST VIEW: ING sees deeper recession in Hungary than before

Uncertainties abound

matolcsy györgy mnb
June 29, 2020 17:07

Hungary cenbank chief Matolcsy tells what Hungary needs in 12 points

Aiming for success by 2030

mnb epulet mti 200623
June 23, 2020 16:52

Hungary central bank slashes growth estimates, still sees no recession

Inflation estimate for 2020 raised sharply

mooody magyar hitelminosites200622
June 22, 2020 15:45

Moody’s: Hungarian economy to start to recover in summer, but recession will still be around 5.0%

Credit rating agency publishes annual country report

autóipar termelés gyártás gdp
June 16, 2020 15:42

ANALYST VIEW: Hungary's facing deep recession in 2020, but strong rebound next year

Morgan Stanley expects pre-crisis growth by end-2021