Label: "Eurostat"

dolgozó fizetés factory worker keresetek
June 27, 2024 11:27

Rapid wage increases could lead to problems in Hungary and the CEE region

Central banks in the region face the same problem

étterem fogyasztás
June 19, 2024 15:04

Hungary slips to last place in EU consumption ranking as Bulgaria overtakes

Eurostat publishes revised data

állampapír parlament fotó telefon országház
June 18, 2024 15:45

Hungary stands out in the latest ranking of public debt holdings

But they are breathing down our neck

gyártás hegesztés
June 18, 2024 10:28

Hungarian wage boom still on, but country no longer in EU Top3

Earnings in Hungary up nearly 14% yr/yr in Q1

nyugdíjas szegény nyugdíjas
June 13, 2024 10:03

Hungary spends one of the lowest amounts in the EU on pensions

7% of GDP went on pension expenditure in 2021, according to Eurostat

fiatal üzletasszony befektető elemző
June 11, 2024 09:12

Almost nine in ten recent Hungarian graduates find a job immediately

Hungary ranks sixth in the EU in this regard

eu eu-bővítés európai unió
June 07, 2024 12:27

EU GDP rankings published

Hungary in the top 3

vasúti átjáró
June 06, 2024 18:40

Hungary state railway co. warns number of accidents at level crossings up dramatically this year

The damage already amounts to HUF 123 million

Te sem kaptál családi pótlékot? Itt a válasz, miért
May 30, 2024 08:35

Hungary at the lower end of EU ranking of family allowances

Not many countries perform worse

tanuló iskolaelhagyó magányos magány egyedül
May 27, 2024 16:25

Hungary ranked among the worst in the EU in early school leavers stats

Share was close to 12% in 2023

infláció zsugorinfláció bevásárlás
May 17, 2024 16:15

Hungary remains close to the very top of EU inflation ranking

Food inflation picks up in April after dip in March

bevásárlás szupermarket kiskereskedelem
May 07, 2024 12:35

Hungarian retail sales were strong in March, and the situation improved across Europe

Retail trade in EU back at 2021 level

cnc ipar gyártás hegesztés
May 02, 2024 08:49

Hungary ties for second place in EU GDP ranking

Producing one of the highest q/q growth figures in the bloc

parlament budapest felhő nap duna
April 22, 2024 14:18

Hungary officially had the second highest budget deficit in 2023

In the European Union

acélipar munkás
March 27, 2024 08:48

Romania overtakes and Croatia catches up with Hungary in GDP per capita at PPP

The country has officially moved to the lower part of the regional table

March 19, 2024 09:52

This is why few Hungarians can afford to buy new cars

Wage increase cannot match this