Label: "COVID-19"

kásler orbán járvány
November 06, 2020 15:35

Hungarian minister Kásler addresses coronavirus pandemic

Number of cases doubles ever 11 days

korhaz műtét kórház
November 06, 2020 13:50

Hungary to reschedule elective procedures - CMO

Health care system under extreme pressure

Orban Viktor MR1 Kossuth Radio interju cimlapkep 20200731
November 06, 2020 10:25

Hungary's Orbán says there's an impending decision on postponing elective procedures

Warns protective measures must be taken seriously

egyetemi diák hallgató koronavírus járvány
November 06, 2020 09:46

COVID-19 in Hungary: another daily high in fatalities

4,709 new cases found on Thursday

mentő kórház mti
November 05, 2020 12:59

Extraordinary burden on Hungary's health care, hospitals filling up

CMO holds press conference

November 05, 2020 10:00

COVID-19: Hungary records nearly 4,000 new cases, 84 deaths

Thursday morning report out

shopping bevásárlás kiskereskedelem
November 05, 2020 09:00

Resurgence of coronavirus deals another blow to consumption in Hungary

And the hardest months are still ahead

kormanyinfo gulyas gergely szentkiralyi alexandra mti 2020 november
November 04, 2020 15:03

Hungary could close stadiums, new home office regulation on its way

Shopping time slot for elderly not on the agenda yet

egészségügy kórház folyosó
November 04, 2020 10:40

Two coronavirus hospitals in Hungary reach end of their capacity

In Cegléd and Miskolc

November 04, 2020 09:28

COVID-19 in Hungary: fatalities hit another daily high

4,219 new cases, 90 dead on Tuesday

November 03, 2020 19:12

COVID-19: PM Orbán announces curfew, special legal order

In a bid to curb spread of coronavirus

korona gyógyszer doktor maszk
November 03, 2020 11:15

Factors that will decide the severity of coronavirus infections

Another argument in favour of mask-wearing

November 03, 2020 10:05

It is natural that more and more people die from coronavirus in Hungary, says infectologist

As the average age of COVID-19 patients keeps on rising

koronavírus vakcina
November 03, 2020 09:28

COVID-19 in Hungary: new cases, daily fatalities rise to new high

84 dead in 24 hours

covid vilag koronavirus
November 02, 2020 08:49

COVID-19: Daily deaths at record high in Hungary

Monday morning data published

koronavírus járvány olvas hírek
November 01, 2020 18:14

COVID-19: Coronavirus fatalities at all-time high in Hungary

Odd thing happens in Borsod county

karantén maszk koronavírus
October 30, 2020 09:15

COVID-19 in Hungary: daily figures break records

3,286 new cases, 65 fatalities

koronavírus járvány maszkhasználat
October 29, 2020 16:14

COVID-19: Hungary to implement new rules on Monday

Here they are

operatív törzs
October 29, 2020 11:50

Hungary tightens virus defence rules

Masks mandatory in catering, sports and entertainment