Aldi puts solar panels on Hungarian stores

Retail chain Aldi has installed the first in a series of residential solar panels on its unit in Sopron on Monday, the company said in a statement. The system has 50 kWp output capacity.
Aldi will use the solar energy to decrease electricity consumption in its stores, expecting to save two to three months' worth of power annually. Customers entering the store will be greeted by a screen displaying the amount of power generated and the amoun of carbon-dioxide emission saved.

Under the parent company's global climate strategy, all Aldi subsidiaries will have to cut greenhouse gas emissions in its stores by 30% by 2020, substantially outperforming the EU's 20% target. In roder to meet that goal, the entire store network of Aldi as well as the company's logistics base has switched to green power in 2017 and will make its operations carbon neutral this year by supporting climate protection projects.

The next unit to be fitted with a solar system will be the Aldi store in Budaörs this summer.

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