Moody's has new ratings for Hungarian banks

Moody's Investors Service has assigned Counterparty Risk Ratings to 33 banks in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), including Hungary’s Budapest Bank, Erste Bank Hungary, FHB Mortgage Bank, K&H Bank, MKB Bank, OTP Bank, and OTP Jelzalogbank (OTP Mortgage Bank).
Moody's Counterparty Risk Ratings (CRR) are opinions of the ability of entities to honour the uncollateralized portion of non-debt counterparty financial liabilities (CRR liabilities) and also reflect the expected financial losses in the event such liabilities are not honoured.

Affected ratings:

Budapest Bank Rt.

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned Ba1
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned NP.

Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned Baa2
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned P-2

FHB Mortgage Bank Co. Plc.

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned Ba3
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned NP

Kereskedelmi & Hitel Bank Rt.

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned Baa1
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned P-2

MKB Bank Zrt.

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned B1
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned NP

OTP Bank NyRt

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned Baa1
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned P-2

OTP Jelzalogbank Zrt. (OTP Mortgage Bank)

  • Long-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned Baa1
  • Short-term Counterparty Risk Rating (Local and Foreign Currency), assigned P-2

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