
európai uniós zászló európai bizottság
April 23, 2020 09:26

EU to offer 100% financial support for a year

To allow member states to focus on healthcare and saving jobs

EU csucs koltsegvetes Charles Michel Emmanuel Macron Antonio Costa
April 21, 2020 11:15

EU leaders to defer decision on recovery package on Thursday

EU 27 GDP projected to decrease 10% this year

April 09, 2020 09:25

EU must keep pressure on Hungary, Poland on rule of law - French official

Financial pressure could be brought to bear

Ursula von der Leyen europai bizottsag Orban Viktor miniszterelnok brusszel 200408
April 08, 2020 16:19

Hungary receives another EU transfer, HUF 110 billion this time

Second half of pre-financing arrives to combat COVID-19

európai bizottság_getty_stock
April 07, 2020 08:35

European Commission unlocks EUR 1 bn aid to SMEs

To guarantee EUR 8 bn in funding to 100,000 businesses

Ursula von der Leyen europai Bizottsag velemenycikk koronavirus valsagkezeles
April 05, 2020 11:10

Europe was partly blindsided by unknown enemy, but it is now standing tall together

Exclusive oped by European Commission President on European solidarity

European parliament building, Brussels, Belgium
April 03, 2020 11:06

COVID 19: European Commission proposes EUR 100 bn solidarity instrument

To help businesses stay afloat and the economy running

Ursula von der Leyen velemeny cikk digitalis atallas europai bizottsag 200219
March 31, 2020 16:08

Commission President issues warning over Hungary's Coronavirus Act

Lack of sunset clause, possible curbing of media independence are problems

európai bizottság_getty_stock
March 20, 2020 10:10

European Commission relaxes state aid rules

Allows more flexibility to support the economy

March 18, 2020 09:04

EU closes external borders for 30 days

Next week's summit to be held via video conference

March 11, 2020 12:01

European Commission unveils new industrial and SME strategies

The goal is to maintain competitiveness during digital and green transitions

jhu clk koronavirus 0308
March 11, 2020 08:16

EU creates EUR 25 billion fund to mitigate economic fallout of coronavirus outbreak

EU leaders agree on further measures in videoconference

Charles Michel europai tanacs rendkívuli eu csucs
March 09, 2020 14:36

Extraordinary EU summit convened to address coronavirus

By way of a teleconference - just to be safe

kelenfold vasut unios fejlesztes cef
February 27, 2020 09:06

Hungary asks extra funds from EU for huge railroad and port developments

Cabinet wants to do good by truckers too

Ursula von der Leyen velemeny cikk digitalis atallas europai bizottsag 200219
February 19, 2020 15:04

European Commission President talks about shaping Europe's digital future

Op-ed by Ursula von der Leyen

Orban Viktor Charles Michel brusszel unio koltsegvetes
February 19, 2020 11:56

Hungary unhappy with EU budget proposal

Reversed qualified majority vote could harm Hungary, Poland

európai uniós zászló európai bizottság
February 19, 2020 09:28

Hungarians' image of EU improving

Sixth highest support among member states

zöld környezet levél
February 17, 2020 13:57

EU allocates EUR 100 million for LIFE project

For environment and climate action