
December 04, 2020 13:01

Commission does not bow to Hungarian-Polish budget blockade

EU lawyers find possible ways of circumventing objections

koltsegvetesi veto orban viktor mateusz morawiecki unios koltsegvetes 201203
December 03, 2020 23:10

Poland ready to give up veto for EU declaration on rule of law

Realises blocking EU budget, recovery fund would be bad for Poland and others

Ursula von der Leyen europai bizottsag vakcina pfizer biontech oltoanyag beszerzes magyarorszag 2011089
December 02, 2020 16:02

Commission President von der Leyen talks about emergency budget

If Hungarian-Polish veto is not resolved shortly

December 02, 2020 11:18

Expert urges EU to bypass budget blockade by Hungary, Poland

There are ways to do so

December 02, 2020 08:12

Soros says finds key to shackle Hungary and Poland put on EU budget

Previous idea revisited

Varso Orban Viktor Mateusz Morawiecki veto unios koltsegvetes 201130
December 01, 2020 11:44

Hungary, Poland dig in heels in rule-of-law debate with EU

Awaiting German proposal to solve budget standoff

Angela MErkel visszaszolt Orban Viktor veto unios koltsgvetes jogallamisag 201130
December 01, 2020 08:40

Merkel lowers the boom on Hungary's Orbán

Says rule of law was no backdoor addition

magyar lengyel veto kozos nyilatkozat orban viktor mateusz morawieczki budapest 201126
November 27, 2020 05:00

Hungary, Poland double down on EU budget veto over rule of law conditionality

Suggest two-stage solution

Ursula von der Leyen europai bizottsag jogallamisag 201125
November 25, 2020 16:50

Commission President urges Budapest, Warsaw to end EU budget blockade

She suggests turning to the European Court of Justice

November 25, 2020 11:50

Hungarian veto: Merkel does not want to sideline Hungary and Poland

EU diplomat says it’s ’impossible to reopen’ rule of law debate

Varga Mihaly BEF cimlap eloadas201008
November 25, 2020 09:29

Hungary may have to do without EU funds in 2021 - FinMin

Turnaround in crisis could come in May or June next year

November 24, 2020 12:58

Hungary receives EUR 26 mn COVID relief aid from EU

European Parliament approves EUR 823 mn aid package to eight countries

Heiko Maas jogallamisag unios koltsegvetes megallapodas 201124
November 24, 2020 10:16

Hungarian veto: Germany expects solution in EU budget debate within days

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas ‘absolutely certain’ agreement is near

angela merkal magyar vétó németország
November 20, 2020 16:58

Merkel stands by rule-of-law plan despite Hungarian, Polish budget hindrance

German Chancellor stance narrows wiggle room for Budapest, Warsaw

kiszivargott magyar lengyel veto francia kormany koltsegvetes helyreallitasi alap201119
November 19, 2020 15:19

French and Dutch ideas to neutralise veto by Hungary, Poland

There might be a solution but not to all problems

soros györgy milliárdos
November 19, 2020 12:05

George Soros comes up with new plan to strip Orbán cabinet of EU funds

And give them to local governments instead

Orban Viktor jogallamisag eu penz koltsegvetes 201014
November 19, 2020 11:17

European Parliament says will not touch rule-of-law conditionality deal

The ball is in the European Council’s court