
Johannes Hahn Europai Bizottssag koltsegvetesi biztos
May 25, 2023 09:42

EU funds: Hungarian gov't may only receive the money in 2024

Johannes Hahn says the Orbán cabinet has yet to meet many of Brussels' requests

Háborút hirdetett Brüsszel a bedőlt hitelek ellen
May 23, 2023 09:37

Negotiations on EU funds pick up speed, but Hungary would go to court on some issues

The latest judicial law amendment has helped the case, according to the Deputy Justice Minister

May 17, 2023 10:06

Hungarian municipal and EP elections to be held simultaneously

9 June 2024 is the most likely date

May 12, 2023 17:04

EC says two regions in Hungary are lagging behind and will be allowed a higher share of aid

EU allows higher aid volumes in parts of the Southern Transdanubia and Northern Hungary regions

szankció, uniós jog, európai ügyészség, európai unió bírósága, eub
May 12, 2023 12:38

Budapest boos over EU sanctions again

Wants to lift sanctions on three individuals

Ursula von der Leyen szankcio Europai Unio sajtoadatbazis ujrafelhasznalhato
May 10, 2023 16:21

Hungary could put a crimp in new EU sanctions targeting Russia

Long debate expected on preventing sanction circumvention

europai parlament cimlap getty tobbszor 2000
May 10, 2023 10:03

Multinational companies put pressure on Brussels over unfavourable Hungarian regulations

The Orbán cabinet's discriminatory laws caused tension

navracsics tibor bef
May 08, 2023 16:13

Hungary formally requests loan leg of EU recovery facility

A long way to go before funding is secured

fitch ratings hitelminősítő
May 05, 2023 14:36

Fitch sees downgrade risk for Hungary beyond dispute with EU

Further delays in EU fund disbursement would highlight policy credibility questions

eu európai unió brüsszel
May 04, 2023 16:35

Budapest unlikely to receive EU funds before autumn even with judicial reform adopted

Lengthy assessment procedure will start only in June at the earliest

varso lengyelorszag belweder elnöki palota
May 04, 2023 09:47

After Hungary, now Poland tries to put the crimp in post-Cotonou deal

Veto after veto after veto

parlament magyar duna
May 03, 2023 17:01

Hungarian Parliament adopts judicial law amendments to unblock EU funds

Judicial independence to be strengthened

hadipar uniós fegyvergyártás védelmi ipar
May 03, 2023 09:32

EU embarks on unprecedented arms programme

The funding would be partly provided by tapping the RRF

jogállamisági eljárás, európai unió, kötelezettségszegési eljárás, uniós jog,
May 02, 2023 11:23

European Commission had enough, gears up for war against corruption

Effective anti-corruption proposal in the making

April 28, 2023 09:55

Hungary to amend judiciary rules to appease Brussels, unblock EU funds

Crucial changes proposed in the judicial reform package

vera jourova europai bizottsag lengyel birosagi reform 210208
April 28, 2023 09:45

Brussels declares war on foreign agents, with many concerned about the Hungarian government's example

The Hungarian NGO law is not considered a good example

covid, koronavírus-válság, járványügyi segély
April 26, 2023 13:58

Hungarian economy put on ventilator with state aid

Government pumped more into the economy than it lost in GDP

europai parlament cimlap getty tobbszor 2000
April 25, 2023 09:58

MEPs call on Commission to keep funding blocked for Hungary

Over concerns with new Hungarian legislation

Varga Judit
April 24, 2023 13:01

Conditional agreement between Budapest and Brussels on cohesion funds

Justice Minister in talks in Brussels

April 18, 2023 08:30

UK, Hungary and Poland to veto Von der Leyen's NATO appointment

Another month, another Hungarian veto in the talks