
európai parlament ep
November 06, 2023 15:43

EU may circumvent Hungarian universities to free Erasmus funds for students

To send signal of support for ordinary Hungarians

európai bizottság, európai unió, EU,
October 31, 2023 12:10

More and more Hungarians dissatisfied with the EU

Share of Eurosceptics jumps 10 percentage points in a year

uniós csúcs, európai tanács, európai tanács csúcstalálkozó
October 26, 2023 09:42

Budapest may veto in Brussels again, EU's proposed contribution increase at risk

EC's budget deal is becoming increasingly urgent

Aggasztóan lassul a nap- és szélenergia terjedése Európában
October 20, 2023 11:46

Big wind power plan of the European Union leaked

Wind industry to be given a boost

October 19, 2023 13:44

MEPs call for major top-up of 2024 EU budget

Urge adding EUR 6.3 billion

európai bizottság, uniós vizsgálat, olaf
October 19, 2023 09:45

Commission takes steps in infringement procedures against Hungary in three cases

Concession and procurement procedures also targeted

orbán viktor és vlagyimir putyin
October 19, 2023 09:33

Orbán's shaking hands with Putin causes major diplomatic uproar

The Hungarian Foreign Ministry was strongly criticised at the EU ambassadors' meeting

Navracsics Tibor
October 17, 2023 10:55

EU may start sending Hungary funds by end-November - Navracsics

Minister says he'll know more on Thursday

brusszel europai unio
October 17, 2023 09:24

EU Council President calls extraordinary summit on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Heads of State and Government try to reach a unified position

Varhelyi Oliver Europai Bizottsag mediatar többször felhasználható
October 17, 2023 08:57

Hungarian EU commissioner called for resignation by a dozen MEPs

A Palesztínával kapcsolatos nyilatkozatokra hivatkoznak.

October 12, 2023 15:25

Hungarian gov't closes solar panel tender for households

New project to be launched from leftover EU funds

Didier Reynders jogallamisagi jelentes
October 10, 2023 09:26

EU to revisit nuclear option against Hungary - paper

Article 7 procedure on the table again

vera jourova
October 04, 2023 10:00

EC Vice-President stresses the importance of the Media Freedom Act

Citing Hungary as a cautionary tale - just as several sources said blocked funds were close to being released

October 04, 2023 08:30

Ukraine could get the green light for EU accession talks in December

Heads of State and Government can decide at the EU summit at the end of the year

berlaymont, európai bizottság, repowereu, rrf,
October 03, 2023 12:20

EU funds: Commission may allow transfer billions of euros to Hungary within weeks

Waiting for Budapest's response, but are expected to make a positive decision

európai bizottság, uniós vizsgálat, olaf
September 28, 2023 14:49

Commission launches procedure against Hungary in money-laundering case

Budapest could pay a serious price for inactivity

europai tanacs unios koltsegvetes 20200220
September 27, 2023 10:10

EU reform to sideline Hungarian government could be set on track

At this week's meeting in Spain, EU affairs ministers could discuss the institutional reforms

great wall motors
September 26, 2023 16:50

Hungary may win car plants on EU-China war, but may also 'win' immediate sanctions

Beijing could use Eastern Opening for a devious ploy

September 26, 2023 09:27

EU to introduce export restrictions on "black mass" battery waste

There is a new front opening in the raw materials war

valdis dombrovskis
September 25, 2023 09:46

Two new EU procedures could hit Hungary with investigations into Chinese companies

Another two important sectors targeted