
Treasury Associate (x)

Be part of IB, that is building one of the world’s strongest brokerage brands.

Company Overview

Interactive Brokers ("IBKR"), a subsidiary of publicly-traded Interactive Brokers Group, Inc., based in Greenwich, Connecticut (NASDAQ: IBKR) is a low-cost provider of trade execution and clearing services for active traders, institutional investors, financial advisors and introducing brokers. IBKR’s premier technology provides electronic access to stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds, and funds worldwide from a single IBKR Integrated Investment account. IBKR is one of the largest online brokers by trade volume and is consistently ranked at the top of its field.

Our employees are part of a dynamic, multinational, fast-paced, results-oriented team working to provide our customers with state-of-the-art trading technology, superior execution capabilities, worldwide electronic access, and sophisticated risk management tools.

Our headquarters are in Greenwich, CT, USA. IBKR has offices in the United States, Australia, Canada, China, Estonia, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

IBKR is a member of NYSE, FINRA, and SIPC. Interactive Brokers Group brokerage affiliates are regulated by securities and commodities agencies around the world.

Click HERE to view a short video with a few words from current Interactive Brokers employees.

(If the hyperlink is not active, copy and paste the following URL in your browser: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=31899)

For more information, please visit www.ibkr.com/info

Job Description & Responsibilities

  • Cash management and controls
  • Reconciliation of cash bookings and positions
  • Investigations and internal adjustments
  • Data collection and daily reporting
  • Management reporting
  • Client money analysis
  • Production and maintenance of internal written procedures
  • Coordinate internal and external audit requests
  • Coordinate local needs with the Group
  • Contribute to develop systems and processes

Qualification & Skills

  • 4-5 years of corporate treasury experience with an emphasis on cash management
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills as well as a flair for numbers
  • High attention to details
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks under pressure of completing assignments within time constraints
  • High degree of comfort and fluency with computers and technology
  • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Excel and Word and use of these tools to present data clearly and concisely

You will be part of a team that is building one of the world’s strongest brokerage brands, and part of a global enterprise that employs technology in all aspects of its business to generate growth.



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