
Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. is looking for a new sales representative (x)

Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. is looking for a new sales representative to support the Amundi Group LUX denominated fund families' sales in the local market.

Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. is looking for a new sales representative
The new sales person will be responsible for negotiations with the representatives of distributors and institutional investors, and will support them with relevant and up-to-date information about our products. The new colleague will work as a member of the local sales team and in close cooperation with Global Sales.

The ideal candidate:
  • has dynamic, problem solving personality
  • holds a university degree
  • has at least 3 years' experience in security/collective instruments/mutual fund sales position
  • has excellent English skills (both written and oral)
  • has excellent MS Office skills

Hungarian is a must, French knowledge is an advantage.

What we offer:
  • competitive compensation package
  • multinational working environment

If you are interested in the position please send your CV to dl.bud.allas@amundi.com not later than 25 July, 2019.

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