
Pricing Specialist (x)

MET Hungary Ltd. is a significant player in the local and regional natural gas wholesale market due to its diverse product portfolio (sales and purchase, storage services, logistic and swap services, portfolio management, etc.). Our business covers sourcing of MET Hungary Ltd.'s resource portfolio at a competitive pricing level as well as meeting our partners' needs with tailor made solutions.

Pricing Specialist
Our values - expertise, competitiveness, reliability exactitude and customer orientation - guide us in all areas of our work.

We value intellectual horsepower and people who demonstrate proactivity, independency and can do attitude in complex situations.

We are looking for a Pricing Expert to join our innovative team in Budapest.
This role is ideally suited to an analytical individual that would like to gain exposure to the energy industry.

Main responsibilities:
  • Developing sales strategy based on market, tender and pricing information coming from other departments,
  • Assembling pricing and market information, preparing energy market overviews,
  • Analyzing and managing risks that impact prices,
  • Preparing materials and presentations in order to support decision-making and sales,
  • Wholesale pricing of natural gas and electricity products,
  • Active participation in developing innovative natural gas and electricity products, developing new structures, price formulas.

Desired experience and qualifications:
  • Master's degree in economics (finance, investment analysis or risk management is an advantage),
  • Good reading, writing and conversational skills in English,
  • 1-3 years of analytical or financial experience,
  • Confident usage of Microsoft Office programs.

Nice to have:
  • Experience in pricing,
  • SQL, VBA knowledge,
  • Experience in the energy sector.

If you would like to join our innovative team as Pricing Specialist, please upload your English CV through our official website: https://group.met.com/met-group-career until 18 December 2018.


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