
IG Research is looking for a special situations analyst (x)

A boutique international investment research firm serving institutional investors is looking for a Full Time Special Situations Analyst. The firm has established a reputation for high quality, incisive research focused on M&A and event driven arbitrage.
Job Description:

We are looking for a highly motivated Analyst with fluent English skills who would focus on special equity situations.

In particular, the Special Situations Analyst will be focusing on valuing companies and analysing situations related to spin-offs, asset sales, stock buybacks, rights offerings, recapitalizations, etc.

We are looking for someone who is hard working, motivated and has a genuine passion for investment.

Key responsibilities include:
  • Produce research reports
  • Identify and analyse the drivers for special situations
  • Analyse the financial, legal, regulatory, tax and antitrust aspects of corporate events
  • Company financial analysis
  • Industry analysis
  • Communication with companies
  • Communication with institutional investors.

Key attributes for the successful applicant include:
  • Fluent English speaker
  • Currently undertaking a degree at a university (minimum of 1 year of relevant work experience is an advantage)
  • Knowledge of the equity markets, company valuation, and financial modelling are desirable
  • Strong analytical and numerical skills
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including clear and concise writing skills
  • Knowledge of a second European language (other than English) is an advantage.

Place job:
  • Budapest, Obuda Gate Office Building.

Job type
  • Full Time Investment Research Analyst.

Please, send your CV to info@independentglobal.com

IG Research is looking for a special situations analyst

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