
IG Research is looking for an Investment Research Analyst (x)

A boutique international investment research firm serving hedge funds is looking for investment research analysts for a new office opening in Hungary. The firm has established a reputation for high quality, incisive research focused on M&A and event driven arbitrage.
Investment Research Analyst
Job Description:
We are looking for highly motivated analysts with fluent English skills who would focus on company valuation on a cross country, cross sector basis, with a particular emphasis on M&A.

In particular, the investment research analysts will be focusing on producing research on merger arbitrage / event driven situations in the U.S., European and APAC equities markets.

We are looking for someone who is hard working, motivated and has a genuine passion for investment and investment research.

Key responsibilities include:
  • Produce research reports
  • Identify and analyze the drivers for transactions
  • Analyze the financial, legal, regulatory, tax and antitrust aspects of merger transactions
  • Company financial analysis
  • Industry analysis
  • Communication with companies
  • Communication with hedge funds.

Key attributes for the successful applicant include:
  • Strong educational background with a university degree in economics or finance
  • Fluent English speaker
  • Strong analytical and numerical skills
  • Minimum of 1 to 3 years of work experience
  • Knowledge of the equity markets, company valuation, and financial modeling are an advantage.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including clear and concise writing skills
  • Confident and professional such that can engage company management and investor relations teams in constructive and informed dialogue
  • Knowledge of a second European language (other than English and Hungarian) is an advantage.

Please, send your CV to info@independentglobal.com

IG Research is looking for an Investment Research Analyst


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