
Morgan Stanley is seeking Credit Risk Associates/Analysts (x)

Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm and a market leader in investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management services. With more than 1,200 offices in 42 countries, the people of Morgan Stanley are dedicated to providing our clients the finest thinking, products and services to help them achieve even the most challenging goals.
Due to an expansion of our business, our Budapest office location is growing, creating exciting new opportunities within our Credit Risk Department.

Morgan Stanley is seeking Credit Risk Associates/Analysts
The Credit Risk Department is an independent risk oversight function. It is charged with managing and overseeing the counterparty credit risk profile of the Institutional Securities Business. The Credit Risk Department's specific responsibilities include evaluating and rating the credit risk of counterparties, establishing and managing counterparty credit risk limits, evaluating credit risk transactions and approving, rejecting or modifying them as appropriate.
We are currently looking for
Credit Risk Management Associates/Analysts
For our Budapest Office
  • Conducting written credit analyses to determine appropriate ratings for the Firm's counterparties (Corporates, Banks, Insurance Companies, Investment and Pension Funds)
  • Performing annual reviews of the approved ratings
  • Maintaining records in accordance with regulatory requirements
  • Completion of the Credit Department's tasks within the account opening and documentation processes
The ideal candidate would have:
  • Excellent analytical and numerical skills with robust understanding of Financial Statements (Balance sheet, P&L and Cash Flow)
  • Experience in credit analysis is preferable
  • Excellent command of English both written and oral
  • Fluency in a 3rd language is an advantage
  • Sound Knowledge of Microsoft Office including WORD, EXCEL applications
  • Team player with strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Bachelors Degree or equivalent is a minimum requirement
What we offer:
  • Competitive compensation package
  • Comprehensive training programme
If you are interested in the above opportunity, please apply by uploading your English CV here.


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