
MOL Group seeks Transfer Pricing Expert (x)

MOL Group is seeking for new staff member for the following position:
Place of work:

Purpose of the job:

Ensure compliance of MOL Group companies with internal and external transfer pricing regulations and identify tax risks and tax planning possibilities.

  • Participation in development, implementation and operation of MOL Group transfer pricing regulation.
  • Application of transfer pricing principles, defining the most appropriate pricing method in the group transactions.
  • Follow-up transfer pricing regulations in countries where MOL Group companies operate, ensure compliance.
  • Assistance with the preparation and supervision of transfer pricing documents, ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  • Provision of support to MOL Group companies during tax audits, respond to transfer pricing related queries, communication with tax officers.
  • Preparation of APA requests for MOL Group companies, assistance with special tax authority queries during the process, communication with tax authorities.
  • Participation in teams developing MOL Group's strategic initiatives (acquisitions, divestitions, international and local projects), support decision making through the preparation and review of internal materials. Provide professional expertise in transfer pricing related matters.

  • university or college degree on economics or finance
  • fluent English (verbal and written)
  • at least 3 years experience at the area of transfer pricing
  • excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • result orientation, creativity, openness to gain new knowledge

  • experience in oil and gas or energy sector
  • Tax advisor /Tax expert qualification
  • experience gained in multinational company, international experience

Other Requirements:
  • result-oriented performance
  • conflict management skills
  • good problem solving skills
  • analytical skills

If you are interested in taking the job outlined above, please apply through our website: www.mol.hu.

For further information please contact: Hajnalka Téri (+36-70-3730-990)

Application deadline: 26.09.2012.

MOL Group seeks Transfer Pricing Expert

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