
MOL Group seeks Sales Optimization Expert (x)

MOL Group / MOL Plc. Exploration and Production Division, Upstream Management Services and Support, Upstream Production Commercialization Support seeks
Sales Optimization Expert (Natural gas and crude oil)
Location: Budapest

Aim of the Job:
Supporting MOL Group's upstream production sales activity and decision making procedure on regional and international level. Preparing market analyses, creating strategic proposals, analyzing the sale opportunities and executing deals, drafting the structure of the deals in cooperation with other functional and business units.

  • Preparing market analyses and identification of sale opportunities
  • Elaborating and executing sales strategies aiming at the appropriate value creation from the produced hydrocarbon
  • Preparing and drafting commercial agreements
  • Following up best practice of hydrocarbon pricing, making proposals for structuring the pricing of the new sales or restructuring the existing ones
  • Supporting the project evaluation team during its activity and the subsidiary leaders in their decision making
  • Supporting MOL Group level natural gas procurement procedures

  • University degree (preferably in Economics)
  • 2-3 years relevant experience
  • Advanced English language knowledge (written and verbal)
  • Advanced MS Office (PowerPoint, Excel, Word) skills
  • Proactivity, strategic thinking
  • High level of self reliance, ability to work alone, precision
  • Ability to work under time pressure
  • Ability to work in team
  • Good communication skills

  • Experience in oil and gas industry
  • Experience in trading, energy sector
  • Experience in international projects, activity
  • Russian knowledge (upper intermediate level verbal and written)

If this advertisement has attracted your attention, please apply directly through the MOL Group Job Portal: http://www.mol.hu/hu/a_molrol/karrier/allasajanla taink/?_s_icmp=allasportal

Your HR Recruiter Partner: Cserhalmi Ágnes (acserhalmi@mol.hu)

Submission deadline for application: 19.03.2012.

MOL Group seeks Sales Optimization Expert

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