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MOL-Group seeks Business development expert (x)

MOL-Group / MOL Plc. Exploration & Production Division, Upstream Portfolio Development organisation seeks a new staff member to the following position:

Business development expert

Aim of the job:
Supports energy related business development process, project management and implementation

  • Participates in preparing researches about the energy sector
  • Participates in the elaboration of new business concepts and preparation and implementation of projects in the field of utilisation of geothermal energy and low calorific value gas
  • Supports the preparation of internal and top-management decision making materials
  • Participates in building financial models to evaluate technical and business concepts

  • MSc degree in economics - preferably with a major from the following fields: finance, investment analysis, corporate finance or organisation & management
  • A minimum of 3 years of work experience in corporate finance
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Excellent organising and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work individually
  • Ability to work hard and under time pressure
  • Advanced MS Office user skills

  • Good conduct of Russian language
  • Experience in project based working
  • Experience in the energy industry
  • Work experience in international environment

If you are interested in this job offer you can apply on our website: You should register and upload your CV to our system under the Career link.

If you need any further information about the position, please contact Ms Ágnes Cserhalmi. (

Deadline for registration: [20.01.2012]

MOL-Group seeks Business development expert
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