
MOL Group is looking for strategy planning senior expert (x)

MOL Group / MOL Plc. Strategy Planning organisation seeks a new staff member for the following position:
Strategy planning senior expert

Location: Budapest

Aim of the job:

Supporting the strategy development and decision making in order to optimize the portfolio and resource allocation. Continuous tracking of the strategy implementation by comprehensive and multiple analyses

  • Participates in group level strategy update to optimize the portfolio structure
  • Continuously monitors the investment portfolio structure and systematically analyses the strategic opportunities of portfolio elements
  • Coordinates the teams participating in strategic financial modeling and quantitative feasibility analysis of portfolio opportunities
  • Prepares analysis for resource allocation
  • Settles framework for elaboration group level guidelines for portfolio optimization and financial modeling
  • Coordinates co-operation with the divisional business development units

Requirements / Eligibility:
  • Advanced university degree, preferably in economics with a financial background
  • Excellent knowledge of economic analytic methods
  • Min. 5 years relevant experience, of which min. 3 years in financial modelling
  • Deep knowledge and expertise in corporate finance
  • Fluent written and verbal communication in English

Competences, work ethic:
  • Thinks broadly: ability to recognise complex correlations
  • Flexibility, ability to approach ideas from diverse and multiple aspects
  • Professional criticism towards information
  • Good presentation, questioning and listening skills, ability to share knowledge

  • International experience (ideally in a multicultural environment)
  • Fluent written and verbal communication in Croatian or Slovakian language
  • Experience in the oil and gas industry
  • Knowledge of company valuation methods and IFRS

If this advertisement has attracted your attention, please apply directly through the MOL Group Job Portal.

Your HR Recruiter Partner: Klára Kövér (+36-70373 43 09).

Submission deadline for the application: 2011.09.25.

MOL Group is looking for strategy planning senior expert

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