
MOL Group is looking for strategy analyst (x)

MOL Group / MOL Plc. Strategy Development organisation seeks a new staff member for the following position:
Strategy analyst


Aim of the job:
Supporting the strategy development and decision making process with financial modelling, industry and peer group analysis

  • Participates in tracking macroeconomic, industrial, regulatory and business changes, collecting and analyzing data
  • Prepares analysis about the energy industry and peer group companies focusing on market trends, regional overviews, country overviews, country risks etc.
  • Participates in development of strategic financial models
  • Prepares case studies and company profiles on competitors
  • Participates in portfolio optimisation and development
  • Participates in the evaluation and review of strategy implementation, elaborates methods for measure strategy implementation, prepares quantitative analysis about the possible future effects

The tasks listed above are performed mainly in English.

Requirements / Eligibility:
  • Advanced university degree, preferably in economics with a financial background
  • Min. 2 years relevant experience
  • Experience in corporate finance and company valuation methods
  • Knowledge of economic analytic methods
  • Excellent financial modelling skills
  • Fluent written and verbal communication in English
Competences, work ethic:
  • Thinks broadly: ability to recognise complex correlations
  • Flexibility, ability to approach ideas from diverse and multiple aspects
  • Professional criticism towards information
  • Good presentation, questioning and listening skills, ability to share knowledge
  • International experience (ideally in a multicultural environment)
  • Fluent written and verbal communication in Croatian or Slovakian language
  • Experience in the oil and gas industry

If this advertisement has attracted your attention, please apply directly through the MOL Group Job Portal.

Your HR Recruiter Partner: Klára Kövér (+36-70-373 43 09).

Submission deadline for the application: 2011.08.20.

MOL Group is looking for strategy analyst

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