
BNP Paribas, Hungary Branch seeks (Senior) Credit Analyst (x)


BNP Paribas, Hungary Branch seeks (Senior) Credit Analyst
BNP Paribas is looking for talented, dynamic, communicative Credit Analyst candidates.

BNP PARIBAS is one of the world’s premier investment banks and the Eurozone’s first largest bank by market capitalization. BNP Paribas possesses one of the largest international networks with a presence in over 83 countries and some 202,000 employees. Being "the bank for a changing world" we aim at servicing our customers with state of the art products and solutions. BNP Paribas Group in Hungary is one of the leading financial institutions in the field of serving corporate, institutional and private clients, consumer financing, leasing, vehicle fleet management and insurance.
BNP PARIBAS, Hungary Branch is currently looking for a

Credit Analyst

(Corporate clients)
Your main responsibilities will be:

  • Assessing the financial standing of existing and target corporate clients, preparing financial analysis, identifying the key risks,
  • Preparing credit applications in cooperation with the Relationship Manager,
  • Providing an assessment of the client risk exposure and capital return,
  • Consulting and advising on structuring the given transactions,
  • Participating in credit committees, presenting the proposed credit application along with the Relationship Manager.

Qualities required from the ideal candidate:

  • Relevant college or university degree in Economics, Finance or Accounting,
  • 3-5 years of professional experience in corporate credit analysis,
  • Outstanding analytical skills,
  • Excellent knowledge of English (both oral and written),
  • Computer literacy (MS Office),
  • Good communication and presentation skills,
  • Dynamic team player,
  • High self-motivation and commitment,
  • French or other foreign language knowledge is an advantage.

If you satisfy the above criteria and are seeking a demanding career opportunity please send your English and Hungarian CV with photo to the following e-mail address, quoting “Credit Analyst": applications.hu@bnpparibas.com.


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