
P&Bert Management Consulting Group is seeking Senior Credit Risk Officer-Trade Finance (Zurich) (x)


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The Budapest based P&Bert Management Consulting Group - represented in the Central European Region and being the member of one of the world’s largest executive search groups- is specialized in personnel consulting that looks back upon over a decade of professional history.
For our client, an internationally respected and globally active bank, located in Zurich, Switzerland, we are looking for

Zurich, Switzerland

Main Tasks
The potential candidate is a key senior banking officer in one of the largest commercial banks of Switzerland, managing two teams of traders, located in Geneva and Zurich and is contributing to the success of the Credit Risk Management in Trade Finance. The successful candidate evaluates the credit requests within his/hers customer portfolio, supports the sales organisation in processing the trade financing transactions for customers in Switzerland and abroad.


  • Degree in Banking and/or Business Management.
  • The possible candidate has pursued a career in a commercial bank and has extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in the fields of commodity and trade finance, credit risk management. The successful candidate has gained experience in an international environment and has proven leadership skills and experience.
  • Excellent English and passive French is a must. German knowledge is favoured.

Place of work

The location of the positon is in Zurich, with frequent business travels to Geneva.

We guarantee absolute confidentality.

If you are attracted by this challenge and comply with the necessary requirements or you want to know more about this interesting position, please contact us: ra@pbert.hu

P&Bert Management Consulting Group Ltd.
1053 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos u. 1.
Phone: (+36-1) 483-2360
Homepage: www.pbert.hu
Career consulting: www.consultationmagazin.hu
Please, visit our websites!

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