
BNP Paribas Securities Services is seeking Settlement & Custody Account Manager (x)


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BNP Paribas Securities Services is a leading provider of securities services and investment operations solutions to issuers, financial intermediaries and institutional investors worldwide. With award-winning operations, presence in 20 countries and some 5,000 employees, BNP Paribas Securities Services delivers comprehensive range of services based on unrivalled local market expertise, innovative solutions, and excellence in client relationship management - all backed by the strength and resources of BNP Paribas, one of the world’s largest financial services group.

We are now launching our services in Hungary and seeking to employ professionals who are able to identify themselves with our core values: commitment, ambition, creativity and responsiveness.
Settlement & Custody Account Manager
Your responsibilities would be to:

● Maintain daily contact with foreign institutional clients ● Pro-actively anticipate client’s requirements by maintaining regular contact ● Oversee the local operational processes on behalf of the client ● Respond to client queries and requests promptly and efficiently, report activity in a timely manner ● Pro-actively identifying and implementing business and processing improvements

Qualities required from the ideal candidate:

● Operational experience in custody, capital markets operation or in brokerage environment ● In-depth knowledge of the Hungarian securities market ● Quality and goal-oriented personality ● Accurate and efficient working manner with a customer focused attitude ● Excellent communication skills ● Risk awareness ● Ability to work under pressure ● Fluency in English

If you satisfy the above criterias and are seeking a demanding career opportunity please send your English and Hungarian CV with photo quoting this advertisement to BNP PARIBAS, Hungary Branch, Human Resources, 1055 Budapest, Honvéd u. 20., Tel: 374 6300, Fax: 302 4504, e-mail: applications.hu@bnpparibas.com .

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