
K&H Corporate Finance is seeking a talented candidate for Corporate Finance Senior Associate position (x)


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This role is a Senior Associate position within a professional corporate finance team with strong focus on regional M&A deals.

Key tasks and responsibilities:
  • Manage and execute mandates as a project leader
  • Manage and lead financial modelling and valuation exercises
  • Coordinate and participate in business due diligence
  • Initiate and attend project-related client negotiations
  • Contribute to origination with managing the preparation of various client materials
  • University degree in Economics or Business Administration, ideally with specialisation in Finance/Banking/Corporate Finance - relevant post-graduate degree (MBA, PhD) is an asset
  • Candidates must have 4-6 years of experience with either investment banking, private equity, financial advisory, strategic development
  • Developed project management skills, ability to pursue projects on her/his own
  • Confident financial modelling skills
  • High level computer literacy (MS Office)
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Proactive reliable and emotionally intelligent team player
What we offer:
  • Challenging job, fast pace business environment
  • Working with a young motivated flexible team
  • International scope of work
  • Competitive salary and employee benefits

If you are interested in this position, please apply with sending your CV and Cover Letter in English to György Herczku to the following email: gyorgy.herczku@khb.hu

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